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SEO For Beginners [Search Engine Optimization]


Search Engine Optimization(SEO) is the process of increasing search traffic for a website or online service by creating optimized web pages and content using keywords that people are likely to use when finding information about a particular product, business, event, or company.

In SEO, “SEO” refers to the process of creating an excellent digital profile for your business, so that potential customers can easily find you online and find a better way to find your products and services.

SEO also includes techniques for improving how the users engage with your site; this process involves ensuring your site is well-organized and easy to read, and your content is attractive and useful.

There are many ways to do SEO, but we will talk about three main areas:

Link Building – A Link is almost like a word, it is a form of communication to the world that allows it to direct potential readers to one place (a link from your landing page to ours). So if someone searches for something on google and they get there from Google, then google has a reason to do business with them.

Link building is important because of two reasons:

It lets us know that our website exists, which in turn tells everyone else that you exist. One more thing: When you have lots of links, the quantity of links matters, as much quantity as quality because a large network will show all your positive signals.

Keywords That Make Sense In Your Niche

When you write long and descriptive sentences, they should be phrased in specific terms. Keywords can affect how the search engine thinks about your story. For example, a keyword in the title could be “traveling”, or “hotels, food, tour, travel”. This would cause a lot of different outcomes, including possible bookings when searching for hotels in cities like London or New York. The keyphrase “traveling” would be very high up inside the webpage, so even users who don’t know what the topic is would still be able to see the description and would have enough details to know what hotels in these cities are good ones. You need to think carefully about keywords and their suitability for your brand because you can give yourself rewards for the right phrase.

  • Use short phrases that describe what your company does
  • Small chunks of text in your articles are often what people click on
  • Using big words doesn’t guarantee that you will receive good results
  • Your headlines do not have to be 100% SEO friendly

Keywords matter a lot but don’t overdo it! Instead of trying to cover every possible scenario, focus on how your solution fits into those scenarios. Use some examples of what you do so other people can understand your point of view better. Don’t use too many words, but don’t use any at all.


When doing any work on your blog, make sure to follow these tips to make sure you receive good results:

  • Make it professional
  • Make it readable
  • Use keywords and phrases that describe what your industry is like
  • Make sure that each article is unique in its way
  • Keep the paragraphs interesting
  • Use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling skills that will help the reader with their searches!


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