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Top 12 Affiliate Marketing Programs & Products to Promote in 2022

So in today's article, I'm going to share the 12 best affiliate marketing programs and products that you can start promoting this year to make some money so each one of these 12 different products is the things that we've promoted in the past companies that we worked with in the past or affiliate platforms where you can discover more companies for your affiliate marketing business so let's go ahead and get started with the article now first thing a couple of things to say first of all look, we're not selling you a course this is all free information so just take this and use this and hopefully, you can make some more money with it I genuinely enjoy making these articles okay so let's start with the first one here which is VPNs so:

Surfshark VPN Affliate Program:

 VPNs can make you a lot of money as an affiliate marketer so let's say you have an affiliate blog there are a lot of people who need VPNs maybe they want you to now watch some Netflix movies that they can't access in their country or maybe they just want some privacy VPNs to tend to be some great products to promote and you can make a lot of money with them so let's take for example surf shark which we've made thousands of dollars advertising surf sharks so it's a pretty easy thing to promote I would say that it really kind of flows with like anyone's personal brand if you're an influencer if you're even like a tick tucker or anything along those lines promoting a VPN tends to be pretty easy and can end up paying you a lot because looking at the program here for surf shark the commission is 40  revenue share on new sales the cookie length is 30 days.

So basically if someone clicks on your link and they don't buy anything for 29 days and then on day number 30 they buy something you can still get that 40 commission the minimum payout threshold of 100 bucks and you can see  you know it's just overall a high-quality affiliate the program we've made a lot of money with them and its one that I just think is great for anyone to get started with if you're an influencer or you want to put this on your blog and just kind of have this as like an excellent little bonus test it out trust me I think it's going to be worth your while all right number two on this the list is:

Amazon Associates:

amazon associates and we're not going to pick one particular product but just the amazon associates platform as a whole you can find so many products to promote through this platform so we just made a full tutorial on amazon affiliate marketing but essentially anything that you buy on amazon well you can get a commission you can do affiliate marketing for any products that are on amazon that are sold on amazon now the commissions on this tends to be a little bit lower anywhere between 1 and 10 commission on these amazon products but we find that affiliate conversions on platforms like amazon convert a lot better.

So if you get a thousand clicks you might have a lot more buyers than if you had a thousand clicks to some random website that the buyers are not familiar with so that's why I still like promoting things  through amazon associates so definitely would recommend checking it out and signing up doesn't hurt especially if you want to promote like a book or something random and you're making like videos or you just want to include like you know like a wheelbarrow in your like blog article about like gardening or something it's just pretty easy to find the product on amazon and link to it likes that okay so before we get into the next 10 products and things that you can promote to make some more money as an affiliate marketer I want to briefly share the sponsor today's Article which is:

Tailor Brands:

Tailor brands so look if you're running an affiliate marketing business and you want to set up a website or you want to create a logo or you want to start your LLC you want to make this official and make this a formal business  Taylor brands you can get started they help you with so many different business products maybe you want like a professional email with g suite or you want to have a digital business card but this LLC formation I think is probably going to be the most important so go ahead and check them and you can get started with that they do help out a lot and make things formal and an official for you so you can run and scale your business I use Taylor brands and I think you should use them as well okay so the next one that I want to share with you is the:


 Expedia affiliate programmer, you can make up to six percent now this is great for anyone in the travel space if you want to get into something like for, For example, we have Expedia verbo which is an Airbnb competitor Travelocity right we have all these different things that are owned by Expedia and you can get up to six percent commission for sending people over there so let's say that you are a travel influencer my goodness you can make a ton of money by sending people over to book their flights through Expedia or to book their flights through a verbal well they wouldn't be booking flights but they would be booking their stays through verbo and you might imagine getting up to six percent on something that could be perhaps you know to say someone books a trip and it's a two thousand dollar trip you get six percent on two thousand dollars to let's do some the math there is about a hundred and twenty dollars for sending someone over to some of these Expedia products so if If you wanna do that you can just go to affiliates.

Expedia to start  just signed up for the affiliate program with them here's a quick tip for your look if you want to find out if a company has an affiliate program just go onto google and type in the company's name and then after that just type in affiliate program and you'll find that a lot of companies have affiliate programs they just don't advertise them you don't hear about them so you just have to go on to google this is how I found Expedia's affiliate program and we just signed up for it and we're probably gonna start promoting this on some of the other travel channels that we have it just feels perfect and just you know outside of that look they have things like car rental companies hotels airlines unique activities so it's not just like airline tickets there are a lot of things you can work with Expedia to promote some of their products and six percent is honestly pretty good so another great the option is to become an affiliate with:

Etsy Affiliate:

Etsy and promote products that are sold on that platform so we thought about including eBay on this as well but I feel like Etsy has a better program overall and so with Etsy, you can make anywhere between two and four percent of the sales on this platform  and so while it might feel kind of low it just depends on the products that you're promoting so if you're promoting 100 products and you can get four or five dollars per product and that's all profit for you you don't have to worry about expenses for like  creating the item or something so I do like the Etsy affiliate program you might not become a millionaire from the affiliate program  in itself but there are just so many products on there that I end up buying myself and so I find myself promoting products on Etsy as well and they just have so many different options so I wanted to include it in this article so another great option is to consider some of the language learning affiliates so something like:


 Babbel here where you get 15 commission uh for when people sign up for babel so and also keep in mind that a lot of these are negotiable as well so if you see an affiliate program and you're like you know what I want to get more than five dollars per sign up on something you can just email those companies and say hey can I get ten dollars instead of five and you'd be surprised how many companies say okay yeah sure we can bump up the affiliate rates especially if they see some good traffic from you so I think this one's interesting but any type of language learning platform people pay a a lot of money to learn new languages and so babel is one of those apps that you can learn language kind of thing like Duolingo but I don't think Duolingo has an affiliate program but babel does and so if you wanted to get started with this you know you can just go to  what did I do I typed in babel affiliate program and I ended up here and you can just sign up for their affiliate program right here  on their site right and it's just super simple and easy to sign up for it and I just think this is another pretty versatile one there's always going to be money in language learning so if you're looking to start a blog just start you know writing blog articles about learning different languages and then you can seamlessly integrate something like babel into your blog articles or you know perhaps like youtube videos if you want to teach people  English or you know want to teach them german or you want to teach the Spanish there's just always going to be a lot of room for that there is okay.

so here's another cool one it is a kind of thinking on like the higher end we're looking at an affiliate for watches and nice watches where you can makeup to a thousand dollars per a customer that you're sending over to a company like this now of course the conversion rates are going to be a lot lower because how many people you know you're not going to have tens of thousands of people buying 100000 watches from a website but if you think about it like let's say that you can convert five people per month from your watch website your watch blog where you write about Rolexes and all kinds of different luxury watches if you can convert five people per month and let's say that the average sale  you're going to be making is a thousand dollars per transaction perhaps that could be up to five thousand dollars per month for just sending over a handful of people so sometimes it's better to think about those big ticket items instead of trying to be an affiliate marketer for like books and these little 10 items but instead of these big-ticket items I just wanted to throw that out there because you could take this idea and run with it like I've seen people who are like car affiliates or boat affiliates and they'll end up getting huge commissions like they'll get like ten thousand dollars for helping someone sell their million-dollar boat right and like they're getting huge huge commissions off of that so it's just an idea that I wanted to plant in your mind that if you go for those bigger ticket items you create a blog around that there could be a lot of money in it so the next affiliate I think is also powerful and that is:

Tube buddy:

 tube buddy, so we've made a lot of money by promoting tube buddy in the past what is tube buddy it's some software that you can integrate with youtube channels so basically, we have a website that helps people grow  we teach them you know how we grew some about some of our websites and how I gained you know over a million subscribers on my brand and we teach people how to do that we help them with it and tube buddy is something that helped me with it and so because of that I decided hey let me start promoting they and they give you up to 50 the recurring commission now this says up to 30 but I'm almost certain you can get this is even higher closer to 50 recurring commission so when people sign up for something like tube buddy right and let's say that the pricing on tube buddy is  you know nineteen dollars and sixty cents per month right you would be getting almost ten dollars a month for life because you sent someone over to tube buddy  and so if you have a youtube channel where you help people grow channels this is something that can make you hundreds of thousands of dollars I've met YouTubers who like their entire brand is teaching people how to make youtube channels and they make six figures from tube buddy alone so it's pretty insane to see that it's one that I wanted to share with you all right now I want to show you a few more here so  one of these is:

CJ: now this is not one specific company that you're promoting but rather it's a platform where you can discover thousands of companies to potentially promote  for your blog or for your channel or for your Instagram your tik to whatever it might be and so I suggest creating an account on you're gonna find so many companies for example look like they have over 1 billion monthly reach from their global customers right they have so many different companies use CJ likes to see Barnes and noble blue apron the hotel's office depot j crew turbo tax price line there are so many companies that use CJ as a platform  for affiliate marketing so just go ahead do yourself a favor create an account I don't have any association with them I just have used them and I have dozens of companies that I promote that I find on so go ahead and sign up for it you're not going to regret it, okay so another one here is weeble look if you know me from my brand, you know that we talk a lot about personal finance and I can tell you that I've made well I shouldn't tell you the exact but I've converted thousands of people  to sign up for:


 Webull which is an investing app  and you know I I get anywhere between 30 up to a lot higher than that but if you sign up for Weebly and you become an affiliate with them you can make quite a bit of money by  basically like if you make finance the content you can just have people sign up for Webull if they want to start investing in it's just kind of a great set up there so the web is like an investment account if you're not familiar with it and people make a lot of money some of the top finance influencers make millions of dollars promoting  investing apps things like Weebly actually Weebly specifically they make millions of dollars so you can make a lot with Weebly now another one that I'll show you here is purple so this is:


mattresses now believe it or not mattresses have insane affiliate rates some people make tens of thousands of dollars per month with mattress blogs so it's crazy but when you think about it you know mattresses are pretty expensive um and so something like purple which is a mattress company you know there's other ones like Casper or any of like the sleepy's brands or there's just a lot of different mattresses but they'll pay you about five percent roughly from my understanding now I've seen people get them a lot higher than five percent I've seen people get over ten percent of the sale  for a mattress so if someone buys a thousand dollar mattress through your link you can get a hundred dollars uh if it's five percent you would get fifty dollars for that thousand-dollar mattress  now purples I believe is five percent but you know a lot of that is negotiable as well but here they say you know it's up to ten percent so it is dependent on a couple of different things one that I would suggest like I like you can make so much money from this  if you just find that seamless integration or you create a website with mattress reviews and there's a mattress review YouTuber as well who makes a lot of money with those affiliates so it's just something that

I think nobody thinks it's so obscure but you can really do well with it so there are three more products and platforms that I want to share with you for affiliate marketing  the next one is going to be for anyone in the fitness space okay so if you take supplements maybe creatine protein powder there's a company like five-star nutrition where you can get twenty dollars per new customer that you send them and then after that, I think it's like 10 percent commission on any of the sales in the future so it's a pretty good setup um but I know there's a lot of fitness influencers and so this's just a great one there's a lot of money also just in general in supplements  so you know if this is creatine or this could be any other type of one so five-star nutrition is one that you can find and I think you can find that on which is another affiliate a platform so that's just want to share with you now two more here the next one is sharing a:

Share a Sale:

so share a sale is not one product but it's a platform so let me just take you to it here and show you what it looks like it's not my favorite platform because it's kind of like like janky it's not great the platform's not super smooth but they have a lot of companies on their look they have 21 000 merchants on share a sale so it's quite a bit and it probably is worth your while to sign up for share a sale and then browse around and see what companies you're familiar with and just kind of help discovering more companies that you can potentially promote all right and the number one affiliate program or thing you can make money with this year is going to be online.

Educational Products:

education so when I think of online education I think of a couple of different platforms I think of things like skillshare, I think of things like udemy, and then also online courses that people might offer whether they're bloggers or YouTubers there's a lot of online courses out there now personally like I said earlier I don't buy online courses because I don't really like I just don't consume them I would rather read a book than watching a course but I know a lot of people who buy online courses they love them they find them super valuable and so there's a lot of money online education so becoming an affiliate for something like you to me or even let's say that you know a couple of YouTubers who have an online course let's say like a big finance influencer they have an online course instead of you going out and trying to make your course you can just talk to them and say hey can you give me an affiliate commission if I promote your course maybe you do an interview with them and then you can promote their course assuming that it's high-quality content so that's another way that you can get into it quite a bit there's a lot of different directions you can take with that but just overall online education there's a lot of money in it.

so thanks for reading the article. I hope you found it valuable to let me know if you have any questions down below and don't forget to check out Taylor brands if you want to get started with your affiliate marketing business and you want to create your LLC you want to start your website you want to create your logo you can do all of that with the Taylor brand so thanks for reading the article.


  1. That's an excellent blog. Well written and lot's of detail. Thank you


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